Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Video Review


This video shows point of view from the people and shows great transitions from moment to moment. When they are speaking it gives a sense of place with a slideshow of the effects of what happened after the storm. The b-roll needs some work though. The zoom is not so good and they need to adjust time.


They could have used a tripod or a monopod to keep it straight. They definitely captured the moment with the crowd cheers in the background. It was a really great idea to have just one person talking in the background to give one point of view rather than an entire group. Because of the setting, the motion was all over the place. It was hard to know where the camera angle was going to be next. If the person was a few feet away it might have been a better shot.

Posted by Riley


  1. I did not review this. Did someone ekes accidentally review this as me?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. About the New Orlean's housing video:

    I like the still photos. Most of them were in good quality and capture very good moments. I like it the way they use b-rolls and still photos to mix with the interview. I don't like the sound of the second interview with some kind of echo in it. Do you know why and how we can record that better.

    I also like how the descriptive title floating on a blurry video background.

    Good close up interview shots.

  4. About the academy vidoe:

    Good beginning running shot. Not particularly crazy about the shot shooting from the belly up after the running shot. Good audience shot of a girl looking at the event. Very good close ups of foot and legs near the end. Like the cheering effect at the end of the video.
